Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Family Affair

After talking about the blog concept with the family we have decided to make this a joint venture. There will be no rhyme or reason to our postings, just a concerted effort to post frequently enough to keep the masses wanting more. We will try to make sure we sign each post so the author will be obvious.


Saturday, March 29, 2008

D Day

Well it's time to start the mother of all diets again. How many times have I lost it, to only find it and a few more. This time will be different because I plan to post daily my struggles to lose and keep it off. My better half has just gotten "lap band" so she will be doing this with me. I assume my fear of undergoing medical procedures will prevent me from getting the band. So it's a membership to Weight Watchers Online. The interface looks good and hopefully I can stick to it. My hope is that we both lose and are able to become an active couple involved in our children's activities. Our weight keeps both of us on the sidelines just watching.
