Monday, January 25, 2010

Vintage is a finalist

Vintage took down first place in the local 4H speech contest. I was amazed at how cool and collected she was during the entire process. I have pics and more info to come.

Vintage takes first with The Wright Bros.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Kids

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4 years old

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Growing up

Four years ago CL was in the NICU at a large hospital, and the rest of the Fox clan was staying at the Ronald McDonald House. CL came into this world about 6 weeks early and weighed in less than an average baking hen. It's amazing how much he has grown and the personality that has developed in 4 short years. Here is a quick story about my buddy that made me laugh. CL got a king size choc/peanut butter candy bar in his Christmas stocking this year. Santa knew this 1200 calorie abomination would pacify his sweet tooth for at least a few weeks. This was the mother of all candy bars not even a bigun could polish this thing off in one sitting. All candy is placed on an upper shelf to prevent easy access at our house. CL has a major sweet tooth and went looking for some candy a few nights ago. Mom and Dad were both busy and told CL to grab a piece of candy after dinner. What we found later was a glazed eyed toddler with an empty wrapper and a chocolate moustace. CL had snagged the monster candy bar and opened it himself. There was only about 1/32 left of it when we found him. The best part of the whole story is he was so keyed up he didnt get to sleep till about 2AM.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Foxes make it to 2010

We made it to 2010 and survived Christmas 2009. Vintage is now the proud owner of a Singer sewing machine. It's amazing how quickly they transition from barbie dolls to mp3 players and sewing machines. CL got the usual cars. cars, and more cars. Christmas changes into a time of seeing things through the eyes of your children, and I can't imagine a better feeling than watching them walk into a Chritmas morning of toys and suprises. I have lots of pics to share so check back often.